How to Apply for Enrollment.

Due to the volume of applications, we now only accept preliminary applications that are accompanied by an online family tree. can be accessed for free from most public libraries, and is available to the general public for a nominal fee. Links to other genealogy services are accepted as long as they include documentation and are publicly viewable.

Please submit the form the right including a link to your publicly viewable tree and enter the full name and date of birth of the ancestor you are claiming your Conestoga-Susquehannock ancestry from. Your tree must have documentation connecting each generation to your Conestoga-Susquehannock ancestor (Census, marriage records, Bible records etc.). If the preliminary application is approved, you will be asked to provide proof of your biological parents in order to be added to the tribal rolls.

All successful applications must have documented evidence of Native American ancestors and their connection to the Conestoga-Susquehannock. Adopted tribal members must show documented lineal descent from a student at Carlisle Indian School and affirm that they are not eligible for enrollment in their nation of origin. Please see our page on historical documentation to learn more about what does and does not qualify as documentation of your Conestoga-Susquehannock heritage. Any applications that are approved under false pretenses can and will be retroactively rejected when discovered.